Advancing Municipal Leaders

NCLM Communications

A new continuous learning platform with on-demand courses.

Anyone serving in municipal government knows how time-consuming and knowledge-demanding it can be. That’s how it goes. And it’s why you, crossing experience with enthusiasm to serve, are perfectly suited for the job.

Mayors, council members, and the like also know the importance of continued learning and keeping rhythm with the broader pulse, even if access and time for relevant resources don’t come easy. Well, the League has a solution.

Tailored Learning — Live & On-Demand+

Advancing Municipal Leaders, or AML, delivers live and on-demand courses on today’s most vital topics and evergreen essentials alike. At, it’s a member-driven education program designed to provide continuous learning opportunities and help local elected officials be successful in public office.

“The goal is to have an impact on municipal governance in our state and where elected officials have the skills and tools that they need to lead our cities and towns to the best of their ability,” said Vickie Miller, Director of Learning and Development at the League.

Through AML, municipal elected officials will learn how to meet—and exceed—the requirements of their role in office. Courses include a comprehensive overview of North Carolina municipal government and are presented by the League and our partners dedicated to the learning and development of municipal officials.

“Although appointed officials and other municipal staff may take AML courses, we are primarily geared toward serving elected officials,” Miller noted. “All of the content primarily has the municipal elected official in mind.”

AML courses are web-based and offer attendees both live webinar and on-demand opportunities. They will directly address the League’s Vision 2030 operating principles and will be categorized by the following learning topics: risk management, economic development, advocacy, public good, COVID-19, and “About the League.”

AML will offer both live webinars and on-demand learning opportunities laid out in a course catalog link at the top of the site. A weekly AML newsletter, to which you can subscribe via the website, will announce new classes and registration info.

Earn Certifications

The more you access AML, the more you’ll have to show for it. What you learn will enhance your abilities and reach as a government leader. But you can also earn credits along the way toward three certification levels: Order of Municipal Leadership, Order of Municipal Dedication, and Order of Municipal Expertise.

“Members can take classes individually or geared toward these accreditation levels. It’s all based on current, timely content that we believe is focused, and covers a wide range of categories,” said Miller.

For instance, the first certification level—Order of Municipal Leadership—is to acquaint you with the basics of municipal government and provide you with the resources and materials that will help you achieve success in your role. Members who have advanced to the final certification, Order of Municipal Expertise, will be asked to choose a specialization to focus their efforts and increase their mastery. Officials at this level are recognized as experts in the subject, capable of sharing that knowledge with others who can benefit.

That is to say that AML is not just for new elected officials; all should attend. From open meetings to municipal finances and topics in between, AML courses are designed to bring officials up to speed on the constantly evolving world of municipal government. Current officials will also find incredible value in the up-to-date information on municipal operations and networking opportunities.

AML is the right antidote in the “Zoom era” of dialogue, connection, and learning—accessing sophisticated content from the convenience of home computers.

Practical knowledge and advanced certifications await you. Sign up:
