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Race, Policy, Police, Protest: Municipal Officials Reflect

In classroom history books of the future, the year 2020 is likely to have its own chapter, if not several. You can live under...

Municipal Caucus: The Lawmakers Bringing City Government Experience to the General...

Potholes don’t vote. Go to enough municipal board meetings and odds are you’ll hear someone, at least once, remind us. At the municipal level are...

The Campaign for Revenue Replacement

Over the course of its history, the N.C. League of Municipalities’ advocacy efforts have been primarily state focused, whether that has meant advocating to...

Lenoir Councilman Ben Willis: A True Public Servant

Willis puts his youth and varied background—business owner, educator, radio host—to work to move his hometown forward Ben Willis is in the business of providing...

League Update: CityVision 2020: League Installs New Board Members, ‘Zooms’ Series...

Cary Council Member Jennifer Robinson is the new president of the North Carolina League of Municipalities in a freshly elected League Board of Directors,...

Legislative Update: COVID-19 Dominates Legislative Process and Policy

The 2020 legislative session may have been surreal in some respects – committee meetings by Zoom, in-person meetings sometimes devoid of lobbyists and other...

Board Update: NCLM Elects 2020-21 Board of Directors

Cary Councilmember Jennifer Robinson becomes new League presidents. The League is the unified voice and vision of North Carolina’s municipalities, furthering goals through collective action....

Speaking Out: Finding a Better Way Forward

The last few months have been unquestionably the most challenging time facing local governments and locally elected officials in decades. As my term as...

Taking the Field: Finding a Better Tomorrow

When the history is finally written, those writing it are likely to conclude that this COVID-19 pandemic and its economic effects posed the greatest...

Talk of Our Towns

In this issue, we are expanding Talk of Our Towns to include the many practical and creative ways cities and towns across North Carolina...
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